I´m Susana Miranda.
Freelance illustrator based in Madrid (Spain). I grew up surrounded by fabrics and inherited the talent for drawing from my parents. The first time I saw a fashion show I knew it would be my job, and today it is still my vocation…more
What I do

Pattern design
After more than twenty years choosing patterns as a fashion designer, I never knew that I would love create them that much.
Find all the pattern collection’s available for licensing or shop them among a huge variety of fabrics, wallpaper, bedding and more.

Fashion illustration
Drawing the human body is one of the things I love most, and drawing it dressed even more. The fabrics, the volumes, and the creations of the great designers are always a source of inspiration.
Portraits on commission
Drawing a portrait is a big responsibility. Capturing the people´s essence without meet them requires a lot of effort and talent. Is always a challenge I like to face to.
And more
I like drawing myself in vignettes, it amuses me and it's like a therapy for me. You can see them at @susisigilosa
You can visit my online store that although it is an small one, you will find prints, originals, and some stationery items.
I created an online Fashion illustration course commissioned by the Laboratorio Firenze (Italy). You may ask for more info here.
And a NEW COURSE about WATERCOLOR is now available at Skillshare . Click on the link to get your free trial.
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